Companies often face challenges such as miscommunication, team dysfunction, leadership struggles, and inconsistent sales performance due to a lack of understanding of personality traits and behavioral styles. These issues hinder collaboration, motivation, and...
5 Reasons Why Hiring a Virtual Assistant is Great for Your Business – The Do’s and Dont’s
Are you a small business looking to scale and grow, but struggling to find the time and resources to do so? Look no further than hiring a virtual assistant. A virtual assistant, or VA, is a professional who works remotely to assist you with tasks that you don't have...
Onboarding A New Employee
Hire Right Part VI - Onboarding A New Employee Note: This is the sixth and final part of our Hire Right series, showing candidates and employers the process of finding the best employees. Hiring Right means bringing a new employee into your organization successfully...
Making A Job Offer
Hire Right, Part V - Making a Job Offer Note: This is the fifth in our Hire Right Series, showing candidates and employers the process of finding the best employees. Hiring Right means pursuing the best candidate and making an offer when the time is right. I bet you...
Conducting an Effective Job Interview
Hire Right, Part IV - Conducting an Effective Job Interview Note: This is the fourth in our Hire Right series, showing candidates and employers the process of finding the best employees. Hiring Right means conducting a productive, informative interview. How many of...
Selecting Who to Interview
Hire Right, Part III - Choosing Whom To Interview Note: This is the third in our Hire Right series, showing candidates and employers the process of finding the best employees. Hiring Right means selecting the best candidates for interviews. Here, we show you how. If...
Writing a Great Job Listing
Hire Right, Part II - Writing a Great Job Listing Note: This is the second in our Hire Right series, showing candidates and employers the process of finding the best employees. Hiring right means knowing whom and what you're looking for. How do you approach writing an...
Quitting Your Job The Right Way
Hire Right, Part I - Quitting Your Job The Right Way Note: This is the first in our Hire Right series, showing candidates and employers the process of finding the best employees To Hire Right, there must be a job opening. Can you relate to these stories? I recently...